We’ve expanded our program - 2025 spots available - enquire now!
(Enrolment Process, Fees, Timetable & Selection Criteria)
Enrolment Process
Applications for enrolment are accepted centrally by the Whitehorse Preschool Association www.wpsa.com.au
Enrolments are accepted for children from two years of age. Applications made before 30 June each year are eligible for first-round offers, with places being allocated the year prior to your child’s expected attendance at kindergarten.
1. Complete Application
Complete an online WPSA application form with Benwerrin Kindergarten as your first preference.
2. Submit Application
Submit the application form online before 30th June of the year prior to your child’s expected attendance to be eligible for a first-round offer. Applications can still be made after 30th June and you will be offered a spot if there are vacancies available, or will be waitlisted.
3. Notification of Allocation
The Enrolment Officers will notify each family via email in July regarding the success of their application.
Timetable 2025
As part of the Victorian Government’s Best Start, Best Life reform, kindergarten is free for all three- and four-year-old programs in 2024.
Benwerrin charges $150 for one-off events across the year, which are in addition to our core program.