Open Day | Saturday 11th May 2024 9.00am -12.30pm
Environmental Helping Hand
Our aim is to bring our Kindergarten premises into the 21st century and be more proactive in responding to emerging environmental issues. We believe that by teaching our children through modelling good examples of sustainable living they will have a stronger appreciation for and knowledge of just how simple it is to help the environment by not wasting the non-renewable resources it currently provides us.
There are several areas in which the kindergarten has made significant environmental changes. These include:
The installation of solar power panels to the Kindergarten roof will help reduce our usage of non- renewable energy resources.
The installation of additional water storage tanks allocated for the flushing of toilets will save large quantities of precious drinking water each day as young children are frequent users of toilet amenities.
We have also installed an outdoor water tank and pump for children to learn about water recycling through hands on experiences and caring for their environment.